Tuesday, October 16, 2007


Dan, Staci and I are at church, a huge church with thousands of people. After the service, we wanted to meet some people our age, but when we get to where they were seated, all of them are gone. No one is in that section of seats anymore. So we funnel out of the sanctuary with everyone else. There's still tons of people around. In fact, so many are there, that I get separated from Staci and Dan. I go to the car and wait. Neither of them show up so I assume they went to Dan's car.

I call Dan's cell phone while getting into my car. Dan says "Hey, I got Staci, we decided we're going to lunch at ...." He mumbles the rest and I can't understand him. He hangs up. By this time I have driven out of the church parking lot and on the freeway.

I call him back. "Dan, where are you guys going?"

"We're going to .... for lunch. Meet us there!"

I still couldn't understand him. Now I'm getting angry. I pull over into the woods right off the freeway and try to turn around. I call him a third time. "Dan I can't hear you, where are you going?"

"Light bulb. We're going to lunch at light bulb. We'll be there soon. See you there."

And then I wake up.

1 comment:

Matthew Moore said...

ok this is amazing. in part bc dan doesn't go to church. in part bc you pull into the woods off the freeway to turn around. and in part bc of the light bulb. hilarious!